Use to exchange a consumer ID and consumer secret for an authentication token.
API | Description |
POST Api |
Exchanges a consumer ID and consumer secret for an authentication token. |
Get or populate custom field values for a account/company.
API | Description |
GET Api/Account/CustomFields/{accountId} |
Returns a list of custom fields for the given account. |
GET Api/Account/{accountId}/CustomField/{customFieldName} |
Returns a custom field. |
POST Api/Account/{accountId}/CustomField |
Sets a custom field for a company. The company and the custom field must exist. |
API | Description |
PUT Api/Account/History/{accountId} |
Adds a new history entry. |
Provided mandator-agnostic methods to load applicants by global identifiers.
API | Description |
GET Api/Agnostic/Applicants/ByGlobalId/{globalId} |
Fetch applicant/mandator information for a global ID. |
Create, update or delete an applicant profile, including basic applicant information like name, address and job requirements.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/{applicantId} |
Returns an applicant profile by its ID, if it exists. |
GET Api/Applicant?usernameOrEmail={usernameOrEmail}&password={password} |
Returns an applicant profile by its user credentials, if it exists. |
GET Api/Applicant?identifier={identifier}&thirdParty={thirdParty} |
Returns an applicant profile identified by a third party profile identifier, if it exists. |
GET Api/Applicant?email={email}&code={code} |
Returns a specific applicant profile, identified by a "I forgot my password" token. |
GET Api/Applicant/{applicantId}?token={token} |
Returns an applicant profile for a specified ID and Auto-Logon-Token. Use this method to check if an applicant has a valid Auto-Logon-URL. |
PUT Api/Applicant?sendRegistrationEmail={sendRegistrationEmail}&url={url} |
Creates a new applicant profile. |
POST Api/Applicant/{applicantId} |
Updates an existing applicant profile. |
PUT Api/Applicant/CoverLetter/{applicantId} |
Adds a cover letter ("Anschreiben") to an existing applicant. It's possible to connect a cover letter to specific a job as well. |
DELETE Api/Applicant/{applicantId}?deleteCompletely={deleteCompletely} |
Deletes a specific applicant profile. You can choose if you want to completely remove an applicant, or just anonymize it. The latter is the default. It removes every piece of personal information, but keeps statistics intact. |
Provides functionality to request and reset an applicants password.
API | Description |
POST Api/Applicant/RequestPassword?email={email}&url={url}&culture={culture} |
Sends the "reset password" e-mail to the matching applicant. Throws HTTP404 if there is no applicant that matches the specified e-mail-address. |
POST Api/Applicant/{applicantId}/ResetPassword |
Sets an applicants password to a new value. |
POST Api/Applicant/{applicantId}/SetPassword |
Sets an applicants password to a new value, but only if the provided current password matches. |
POST Api/Applicant/SetPassword |
Sets an applicants password to a new value, but only if the provided reset-password-code matches. |
GET Api/Applicant/{applicantId}/LogOnToken |
Generates a log-on token for the given applicant. |
Provides methods to create, read, update and delete custom field values from an applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/{applicantId}/CustomField/{customFieldName} |
Returns the value of a specific custom field for a specific applicant profile. |
POST Api/Applicant/{applicantId}/CustomField |
Creates or updates the value of a custom field of a specific applicant. |
DELETE Api/Applicant/{applicantId}/CustomField/{customFieldName} |
Deletes a specific custom field value from an applicant profile. |
Provides functionality to read and update policies for an applicant.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/{applicantId}/Policies |
Returns all current policies for an applicant. |
PUT Api/Applicant/{applicantId}/Policies/{policyId} |
Updates a policy for an applicant. |
Provides functionality to handle video interviews for applicants.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/{applicantId}/VideoInterviews |
Fetch all video interviews for an applicant. |
PUT Api/Applicant/{applicantId}/VideoInterviews |
Creates an video interview for an applicant. |
Provides methods to load all activities for a specific applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/Activities/{applicantId} |
Returns all activities of a certain applicant. |
Provides methods to create, read, update and delete activities from an applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/Activity/{id} |
Returns a certain activity of an applicant. |
PUT Api/Applicant/Activity/{applicantId} |
Creates a new activity for a certain applicant. |
POST Api/Applicant/Activity/{id} |
Updates a specific applicant activity. |
DELETE Api/Applicant/Activity/{id} |
Deletes a specific applicant activity. |
Provides methods to create, read, update and delete additional education (ie. certificates) from an applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/Certificate/{id} |
Returns a specific certificate of an applicant. |
PUT Api/Applicant/Certificate/{applicantId} |
Creates a new certificate for a specific applicant. |
POST Api/Applicant/Certificate/{id} |
Updates a specific applicant certificate. |
DELETE Api/Applicant/Certificate/{id} |
Deletes a specific applicant certificate. |
Provides methods to load the additional education (ie. certificates) for a specific applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/Certificates/{applicantId} |
Returns all certificates of a certain applicant. |
Provides methods to load the custom field values for a specific applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/CustomFields/{applicantId} |
Returns all custom field values for a specific applicant profile. Only custom fields that have a value are returned, "empty" custom fields will be ignored. |
Provides methods to create, read, update and delete the CV of an applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/Cv/{applicantId}?includeContent={includeContent} |
Returns the CV of an applicant service. |
PUT Api/Applicant/Cv/{applicantId} |
Creates or updates the CV for a specific applicant profile. |
POST Api/Applicant/Cv/{applicantId} |
Creates or updates the CV for a specific applicant profile. |
DELETE Api/Applicant/Cv/{applicantId} |
Deletes the CV from an applicant profile. |
Provides methods to create, read, update and delete documents of an applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/Document/{id}?includeContent={includeContent} |
Returns a document of an applicant service. |
PUT Api/Applicant/Document/{applicantId} |
Creates a document for a specific applicant profile. |
POST Api/Applicant/Document/{id} |
Updates a document for a specific applicant profile. |
DELETE Api/Applicant/Document/{id} |
Deletes a specific from an applicant profile. |
Provides methods to load the documents for a specific applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/Documents/{applicantId}?includeContent={includeContent} |
Returns all documents of a certain applicant. |
Provides methods to create, read, update and delete educations from an applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/Education/{id} |
Returns a specific education of an applicant. |
PUT Api/Applicant/Education/{applicantId} |
Creates a new education for a specific applicant. |
POST Api/Applicant/Education/{id} |
Updates a specific applicant education. |
DELETE Api/Applicant/Education/{id} |
Deletes a specific applicant education. |
Provides methods to load the education for a specific applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/Educations/{applicantId} |
Returns all educations of a certain applicant. |
Provides a method to gerenate the european CV for an applicant.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/EuropeanCv/{applicantId} |
Generates the european CV file for an applicant |
Provides methods to create, read, update and delete work experience from an applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/Experience/{id} |
Returns a specific work experience of an applicant. |
PUT Api/Applicant/Experience/{applicantId} |
Creates a new work experience for a specific applicant. |
POST Api/Applicant/Experience/{id} |
Updates a specific applicant work experience. |
DELETE Api/Applicant/Experience/{id} |
Deletes a specific applicant work experience. |
Provides methods to load the work experience for a specific applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/Experiences/{applicantId} |
Returns all work experience of a certain applicant. |
Creates a history entry for
API | Description |
PUT Api/Applicant/History/{applicantId} |
Creates a new history entry for a specified applicant. |
Provides methods to create, read, and delete important info for an applicant.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/ImportantInfo/{applicantId} |
Returns the important info property of an applicant. |
DELETE Api/Applicant/ImportantInfo/User/{userId}/Applicant/{applicantId} |
Deletes the important info value of the applicant |
POST Api/Applicant/ImportantInfo/User/{userId}/Applicant/{applicantId} |
Posts the important info value of the applicant |
Provides methods to create, read, update and delete additional education (ie. certificates) from an applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/Knowledge/{applicantId}/{knowledge} |
Returns a specific knowledge of an applicant. |
PUT Api/Applicant/Knowledge/{applicantId} |
Creates or updates a specific knowledge a a specific applicant. |
POST Api/Applicant/Knowledge/{applicantId} |
Creates or updates a specific knowledge a a specific applicant. |
DELETE Api/Applicant/Knowledge/{applicantId} |
Deletes a specific knowledge from a specific applicant. |
Provides methods to load the knowledges for a specific applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/Knowledges/{applicantId} |
Returns all knowledges of a certain applicant. |
PUT Api/Applicant/Knowledges/{applicantId} |
Creates, deletes or updates the knowledges of a certain applicant. |
POST Api/Applicant/Knowledges/{applicantId} |
Creates, deletes or updates the knowledges of a certain applicant. |
DELETE Api/Applicant/Knowledges/{applicantId} |
Creates, deletes or updates the knowledges of a certain applicant. |
Provides methods to create, read, update and delete a language skill from an applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/Language/{id} |
Returns a specific language skill of an applicant. |
PUT Api/Applicant/Language/{applicantId} |
Creates a new language skill for a specific applicant. |
POST Api/Applicant/Language/{id} |
Updates a specific applicant language skill. |
DELETE Api/Applicant/Language/{id} |
Deletes a specific applicant language skill. |
Provides methods to load the language skills for a specific applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/Languages/{applicantId} |
Returns all language skills of a certain applicant. |
Provides methods the link or unlink an applicant profile to his/her LinkedIn Account.
API | Description |
POST Api/Applicant/LinkedIn/{applicantId}?identifier={identifier}&profileUrl={profileUrl} |
Sets a link between an applicant profile and a LinkedIn account. |
DELETE Api/Applicant/LinkedIn/{applicantId} |
Removes the link between an applicant profile and a LinkedIn account. |
Provides methods to create, read, update and delete the photo of an applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/Photo/{applicantId}?includeContent={includeContent} |
Returns the photo of an applicant service. |
PUT Api/Applicant/Photo/{applicantId} |
Creates or updates the photo for a specific applicant profile. |
POST Api/Applicant/Photo/{applicantId} |
Creates or updates the photo for a specific applicant profile. |
DELETE Api/Applicant/Photo/{applicantId} |
Deletes the photo from an applicant profile. |
Provides methods to load the publications for a specific applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/Publication/{id} |
Returns a specific publication of an applicant. |
PUT Api/Applicant/Publication/{applicantId} |
Creates a new publication for a specific applicant. |
POST Api/Applicant/Publication/{id} |
Updates a specific applicant publication. |
DELETE Api/Applicant/Publication/{id} |
Deletes a specific applicant publication. |
Provides methods to load the publications for a specific applicant profile.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicant/Publications/{applicantId} |
Returns all publications of a certain applicant. |
Provides methods the link or unlink an applicant profile to his/her Xing Account.
API | Description |
POST Api/Applicant/Xing/{applicantId}?identifier={identifier}&profileUrl={profileUrl} |
Sets a link between an applicant profile and a Xing account. |
DELETE Api/Applicant/Xing/{applicantId} |
Removes the link between an applicant profile and a Xing account. |
Controller for the applicant compass feature on the applicant portal.
API | Description |
GET Api/ApplicantCompass/Questions?culture={culture} |
Retrieve the questionnaire for the applicant compass. |
GET Api/ApplicantCompass/InterestProfile/{id} |
Retrieve an interest profile by its ID. |
POST Api/ApplicantCompass/InterestProfiles/ForInterests |
Retrieve the 3 best matching interest profiles for an applicant interest profile. |
GET Api/ApplicantCompass/JobInsight/{id}?culture={culture} |
Retrieve a job insight by ID. |
Provides methods to load multiple applicant profiles at once.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicants/ByEmail/{email} |
Finds applicant profiles that match a certain email-address. |
GET Api/Applicants/ByCustomField/{customField}?value={value} |
Finds applicant profiles that match a certain custom field. |
Provides methods to load all applicants with a certain externalId.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicants/ByExternalId/{externalId} |
Returns applicants with |
Provides methods to load all applicants with a globalId for a specific mandator.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applicants/ByGlobalId/{globalId} |
Returns all applicants of current mandator with . |
Provides methods to add or update an application (= the "connection" between an applicant and one or more jobs).
API | Description |
PUT Api/Application?url={url}&sendApplicationEmail={sendApplicationEmail} |
Creates an application, which assigns an applicant to a job and sends an email to the applicant depending on the parameter. |
POST Api/Application/Message |
Sends a message to the recruiter that a new application was created. |
POST Api/Application/{applicantJobId} |
Updates an existing application. This is used to update an application referrer, but more importantly to execute a workflow activity. |
POST Api/Application/{applicantJobId}/FinalizeCuteAssessment |
Downloads the report for a completed cut-e assessment from cut-e servers, saves the file the the applicant and executes configured workflow steps. |
API | Description |
GET Api/Applications/ByReferrer/{referrer}?startAt={startAt}&endAt={endAt} |
Get all applications for a certain referrer. |
GET Api/Applications/ByJob/{jobId} |
Get all open applications for a job. |
Provides methods the load all applications (= the "connection" between an applicant and one or more jobs) of an applicant.
API | Description |
GET Api/Applications/{applicantId}?culture={culture} |
Gets all application of a specified applicant. |
Provides an endpoint to parse a CV for the relevant personal applicant information.
API | Description |
POST Api/CvParser |
Parses an applicants CV to extract relevant personal information. The CV parser strategy depends on the portal settings. Since this request does not provide information about the portal, it will use ePunkt CV parser. |
POST Api/CvParser?uri={uri} |
Parses an applicants CV to extract relevant personal information. Depending on the portal settings, this request uses a certain parsing strategies. Results may vary dependend on strategy and parsing mode. |
Provides and endpoint to post user feedback.
API | Description |
PUT Api/Feedback?url={url} |
Stores user feedback. |
Provides an endpoint to liquid design Feed .
API | Description |
GET Api/Feeds/LiquidDesign/{mandatorId}?channel={channel}&culture={culture}&portalId={portalId} |
Build a Liquid Design feed for the given mandator. |
GET Api/Feeds/Hogast/{mandatorId} |
Build a HOGASTjobs feed for the given mandator. |
GET Api/Feeds/Hogast |
Build a HOGASTjobs feed for all mandators. |
GET Api/Feeds/JobsAt/{mandatorId}?channel={channel}&culture={culture} |
Build a jobs.at feed for the provided mandator. |
GET Api/Feeds/JobsAt?channel={channel}&culture={culture} |
Build a jobs.at feed for all mandators. |
GET Api/Feeds/Indeed/{mandatorId}?portalId={portalId}&channel={channel}&culture={culture} |
Build an XML feed for Indeed. |
API | Description |
GET Api/Integrations/ApplyWitheRecruiter/{clientId} |
Returns a specific integration. |
POST Api/Integrations/ApplyWitheRecruiter/{clientId} |
Post the candidate with vacancy id, you need to set two headers parameters "Content-Type: application/json" and "X-ApplyWith-Signature: Use Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) SHA256 hash function on your body with your client secret and encode to Base 64" |
API | Description |
POST Api/Integrations/ATSi/Job |
No documentation available. |
POST Api/Integrations/ATSi/Apply |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST Api/Integrations/Indeed |
No documentation available. |
Provides an endpoint to KarriereOneClick integration.
API | Description |
POST Api/Integrations/KarriereOneClick |
No documentation available. |
Provides an endpoint to get details for a specific job. The only difference to the "PublishedJob" endpoint is that it returns a job regardless if it is published somewhere or not.
API | Description |
GET Api/Job/{jobId}?culture={culture} |
Returns a job for the specified job-ID and culture. |
POST Api/Job |
Creates a new job and returns the newly job ID. |
Provides an endpoint to create an graphic that represents the salary of a specific job.
API | Description |
GET Api/Job/SalaryImage/{jobId} |
Creates the salary graphic for a specific job. |
Controller for sending out-of-workflow e-mails.
API | Description |
POST Api/Mailer/Registration |
Send an registration confirmation e-mail to the applicant. |
POST Api/Mailer/Application |
Send an application confirmation e-mail to the applicant. |
POST Api/Mailer/DoubleOptIn?culture={culture} |
Send a double-opt-in message to the possible applicant. |
Provides an endpoint to get all API keys for a mandator. Requires the "Mandators" access level.
API | Description |
GET Api/Mandator/ApiKeys |
Gets all API keys for all mandators. |
GET Api/Mandator/{mandatorId}/ApiKeys |
Gets all API keys for a specified mandator. |
Provides an endpoint to manage the mandators of the current installation. Most important method is definitely GET Api/Mandator, because it returns all relevant types and configuration for the currently authenticated mandator.
API | Description |
GET Api/Mandator?uri={uri} |
Returns information about the current mandator. This includes settings and available types. |
GET Api/Mandator |
Returns information about the current mandator. This includes settings and available types. The settings of the default applicant portal will be returned. |
GET Api/Mandator/{mandatorId} |
Returns information about a specific mandator. This includes settings and available types. The settings of the default applicant portal will be returned. |
GET Api/Mandator/KnowledgeTree |
Returns the full knowledge tree of the current mandator. |
PUT Api/Mandator |
Creates a new mandator. This also creates a set of default settings (workflow, types, ...) for this mandator. |
POST Api/Mandator/{mandatorId} |
Updates an existing mandator. |
DELETE Api/Mandator/{mandatorId} |
Deletes a mandator. WARNING: This removes _everything_ belonging to the mandator. Please be aware of that! |
Provides an endpoint to manage API keys. Requires the "Mandators" access level.
API | Description |
GET Api/Mandator/ApiKey/{apiKeyId} |
Gets a specific API key. |
PUT Api/Mandator/ApiKey |
Creates a new API key. |
POST Api/Mandator/ApiKey/{apiKeyId} |
Updates a specific API key. |
DELETE Api/Mandator/ApiKey/{apiKeyId} |
Deletes a specific API key. |
Provides an endpoint to get all mandators of the installation. Requires the "Mandators" access level.
API | Description |
GET Api/Mandators?uri={uri} |
Gets all mandators. |
GET Api/Mandators |
Gets all mandators. |
Provides functionality to check if the API endpoint is up and running and if authentication works.
API | Description |
GET Api/Ping |
Simple ping method, just to see if the API is up and running and authentication works. |
POST Api/Ping |
Simple ping method, just to see if the API is up and running and authentication works. |
Provides an endpoint to read policies.
API | Description |
GET Api/Policies?portal={portal}&culture={culture} |
Returns a list of policies. |
GET Api/Policies/{policyId} |
Returns a specific policy. |
Provides an endpoint to get details for a single job that is published on a specific applicant portal or specific publication channel.
API | Description |
GET Api/PublishedJob/{jobId}?channel={channel}&culture={culture}&indeedWidgetEnabled={indeedWidgetEnabled} |
Returns a job for the specified job-ID and culture, but only if the job is published on the specified channel. |
Provides an endpoint to get all jobs that are published on a specific applicant portal or specific publication channel.
API | Description |
GET Api/PublishedJobs?channel={channel}&culture={culture} |
Returns a list of those jobs, that are published on an applicant portal or a specific publication channel. |
Provides endpoints to get the metadata that describes a questionnaire.
API | Description |
GET Api/Questionnaire/ByJob/{jobId}?culture={culture} |
Returns the questionnaire for a specific job. Throws HTTP404 if the specified job is not found. Throws HTTP403 if the specified job is not accesible. Throws HTTP400 if the the job is not available in the specified culture or if the specified job does not have a questionnaire. |
GET Api/Questionnaire/{questionnaireId} |
Returns a specific questionnaire Throws HTTP404 if the specified questionnaire is not found. Throws HTTP403 if the specified questionnaire is not accesible. |
This controller is used to import companies for mandators. To use these class, it's required to have ApiAccessLevel "Company" enabled
API | Description |
PUT Api/Synchronize/Company?isValidationOnly={isValidationOnly}&requestTimeoutSeconds={requestTimeoutSeconds} |
Create, update and delete Company data of the current mandator. Thus, this is a synchronization interface. The provided inputString (XML) will be validated against the XML Schema for company import. Please use it to generate your XML data. This method can be used to test data ingeration first and integrate data then. |
Provides an endpoint to manage users. Requires the "Users" access level.
API | Description |
GET Api/User/{userId} |
Gets a specific user. |
PUT Api/User |
Creates a new user for the current mandator. |
POST Api/User/{userId} |
Updates an existing user. |
DELETE Api/User/{userId} |
Deletes an existing user. Warning: This may delete A LOT of related data. Handle with care! |
DELETE Api/User/Merge/{userId}?mergeWithUserId={mergeWithUserId} |
Deletes an existing user, but moves all related data to another user before. |
Provides an endpoint to get all the users for the current mandator.
API | Description |
GET Api/Users |
Gets all the users of the current mandator. |
Controller to handle important server-side validations.
API | Description |
GET Api/Validation/Password?password={password}&uri={uri} |
Validate the provided password against the applicant portal password policy. |
The endpoint for Cammio notifications to complete a video interview.
API | Description |
POST Api/VideoInterview/Cammio |
Receives a notification from Cammio and completes a video interview. |