POST Api/CvParser
Parses an applicants CV to extract relevant personal information. The CV parser strategy depends on the portal settings. Since this request does not provide information about the portal, it will use ePunkt CV parser.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
The file to parse.
CvParserParameterName | Description | Type | Additional information |
FileName |
The filename of the curriculum vitae. |
string |
None. |
Content |
The file content of the Cv (usually a byte array) as a serialized base64 encoded string. |
Collection of byte |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "FileName": "sample string 1", "Content": "QEA=" }
application/xml, text/xml
<CvParserParameter xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Content>QEA=</Content> <FileName>sample string 1</FileName> </CvParserParameter>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
The extracted personal information.
CvParserResponseName | Description | Type | Additional information |
FirstName |
The first name of the person. |
string |
None. |
LastName |
The surname of the person. |
string |
None. |
Gender |
The gender of the person. |
Gender |
None. |
TitleBeforeName |
The academic title, which usually is written before a person's name. |
string |
None. |
TitleAfterName |
The academic degree, which usually is written after a person's name. |
string |
None. |
BirthDate |
The date of birth. |
date |
None. |
Street |
The street of the person's address. |
string |
None. |
City |
The city of the person's address. |
string |
None. |
ZipCode |
The ZIP (Zone Improvement Plan) code of the person's address. |
string |
None. |
Country |
The country of the person's address. |
string |
None. |
Citizenship |
The citizenship of the person. |
string |
None. |
The email address of the person. |
string |
None. |
Phone |
The telephone number of the person. |
string |
None. |
Photo |
The photo of the person. The type of the image is JPG. |
Collection of byte |
None. |
Summary |
Additional information if available. |
string |
None. |
Competences |
Competences of the person. |
Collection of string |
None. |
Interests |
Interests of the person. |
Collection of string |
None. |
Urls |
URL's found in the document. |
Collection of string |
None. |
Skills |
Skills of the person. |
Collection of SkillResponse |
None. |
Experiences |
Work experiences of the person. |
Collection of ExperienceResponse |
None. |
Educations |
Educations of the person. |
Collection of EducationResponse |
None. |
Certifications |
Certifications of the person. |
Collection of CertificationResponse |
None. |
Languages |
Language skills of the person. |
Collection of LanguageResponse |
None. |
Publications |
Publications of the person. |
Collection of PublicationResponse |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "FirstName": "sample string 1", "LastName": "sample string 2", "Gender": 0, "TitleBeforeName": "sample string 3", "TitleAfterName": "sample string 4", "BirthDate": "2025-02-24T00:30:04.7796519+01:00", "Street": "sample string 5", "City": "sample string 6", "ZipCode": "sample string 7", "Country": "sample string 8", "Citizenship": "sample string 9", "Email": "sample string 10", "Phone": "sample string 11", "Photo": "QEA=", "Summary": "sample string 12", "Competences": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "Interests": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "Urls": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "Skills": [ { "Name": "sample string 1" }, { "Name": "sample string 1" } ], "Experiences": [ { "StartDate": { "Year": 1, "Month": 1, "Day": 1, "IsRelativeDate": true, "IsValid": false, "IsEmpty": false }, "EndDate": { "Year": 1, "Month": 1, "Day": 1, "IsRelativeDate": true, "IsValid": false, "IsEmpty": false }, "IsCurrent": true, "CompanyName": "sample string 2", "Industry": "sample string 3", "Position": "sample string 4", "Function": "sample string 5", "Description": "sample string 6" }, { "StartDate": { "Year": 1, "Month": 1, "Day": 1, "IsRelativeDate": true, "IsValid": false, "IsEmpty": false }, "EndDate": { "Year": 1, "Month": 1, "Day": 1, "IsRelativeDate": true, "IsValid": false, "IsEmpty": false }, "IsCurrent": true, "CompanyName": "sample string 2", "Industry": "sample string 3", "Position": "sample string 4", "Function": "sample string 5", "Description": "sample string 6" } ], "Educations": [ { "StartDate": { "Year": 1, "Month": 1, "Day": 1, "IsRelativeDate": true, "IsValid": false, "IsEmpty": false }, "EndDate": { "Year": 1, "Month": 1, "Day": 1, "IsRelativeDate": true, "IsValid": false, "IsEmpty": false }, "IsCurrent": true, "Country": "sample string 2", "School": "sample string 3", "FieldOfStudy": "sample string 4", "IscedCode": "sample string 5", "Degree": "sample string 6" }, { "StartDate": { "Year": 1, "Month": 1, "Day": 1, "IsRelativeDate": true, "IsValid": false, "IsEmpty": false }, "EndDate": { "Year": 1, "Month": 1, "Day": 1, "IsRelativeDate": true, "IsValid": false, "IsEmpty": false }, "IsCurrent": true, "Country": "sample string 2", "School": "sample string 3", "FieldOfStudy": "sample string 4", "IscedCode": "sample string 5", "Degree": "sample string 6" } ], "Certifications": [ { "StartDate": { "Year": 1, "Month": 1, "Day": 1, "IsRelativeDate": true, "IsValid": false, "IsEmpty": false }, "EndDate": { "Year": 1, "Month": 1, "Day": 1, "IsRelativeDate": true, "IsValid": false, "IsEmpty": false }, "Name": "sample string 1", "Number": "sample string 2", "Authority": "sample string 3" }, { "StartDate": { "Year": 1, "Month": 1, "Day": 1, "IsRelativeDate": true, "IsValid": false, "IsEmpty": false }, "EndDate": { "Year": 1, "Month": 1, "Day": 1, "IsRelativeDate": true, "IsValid": false, "IsEmpty": false }, "Name": "sample string 1", "Number": "sample string 2", "Authority": "sample string 3" } ], "Languages": [ { "LanguageCode": "sample string 1", "LanguageName": "sample string 2", "Level": "sample string 3" }, { "LanguageCode": "sample string 1", "LanguageName": "sample string 2", "Level": "sample string 3" } ], "Publications": [ { "Title": "sample string 1", "Date": { "Year": 1, "Month": 1, "Day": 1, "IsRelativeDate": true, "IsValid": false, "IsEmpty": false }, "Abstract": "sample string 2", "PublicationType": "sample string 3", "Url": "sample string 4" }, { "Title": "sample string 1", "Date": { "Year": 1, "Month": 1, "Day": 1, "IsRelativeDate": true, "IsValid": false, "IsEmpty": false }, "Abstract": "sample string 2", "PublicationType": "sample string 3", "Url": "sample string 4" } ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<CvParserResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <BirthDate>2025-02-24T00:30:04.7796519+01:00</BirthDate> <Certifications> <CertificationResponse> <Authority>sample string 3</Authority> <EndDate xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:Day>1</d4p1:Day> <d4p1:IsRelativeDate>true</d4p1:IsRelativeDate> <d4p1:Month>1</d4p1:Month> <d4p1:Year>1</d4p1:Year> </EndDate> <Name>sample string 1</Name> <Number>sample string 2</Number> <StartDate xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:Day>1</d4p1:Day> <d4p1:IsRelativeDate>true</d4p1:IsRelativeDate> <d4p1:Month>1</d4p1:Month> <d4p1:Year>1</d4p1:Year> </StartDate> </CertificationResponse> <CertificationResponse> <Authority>sample string 3</Authority> <EndDate xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:Day>1</d4p1:Day> <d4p1:IsRelativeDate>true</d4p1:IsRelativeDate> <d4p1:Month>1</d4p1:Month> <d4p1:Year>1</d4p1:Year> </EndDate> <Name>sample string 1</Name> <Number>sample string 2</Number> <StartDate xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:Day>1</d4p1:Day> <d4p1:IsRelativeDate>true</d4p1:IsRelativeDate> <d4p1:Month>1</d4p1:Month> <d4p1:Year>1</d4p1:Year> </StartDate> </CertificationResponse> </Certifications> <Citizenship>sample string 9</Citizenship> <City>sample string 6</City> <Competences xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:string>sample string 1</d2p1:string> <d2p1:string>sample string 2</d2p1:string> </Competences> <Country>sample string 8</Country> <Educations> <EducationResponse> <Country>sample string 2</Country> <Degree>sample string 6</Degree> <EndDate xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:Day>1</d4p1:Day> <d4p1:IsRelativeDate>true</d4p1:IsRelativeDate> <d4p1:Month>1</d4p1:Month> <d4p1:Year>1</d4p1:Year> </EndDate> <FieldOfStudy>sample string 4</FieldOfStudy> <IsCurrent>true</IsCurrent> <IscedCode>sample string 5</IscedCode> <School>sample string 3</School> <StartDate xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:Day>1</d4p1:Day> <d4p1:IsRelativeDate>true</d4p1:IsRelativeDate> <d4p1:Month>1</d4p1:Month> <d4p1:Year>1</d4p1:Year> </StartDate> </EducationResponse> <EducationResponse> <Country>sample string 2</Country> <Degree>sample string 6</Degree> <EndDate xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:Day>1</d4p1:Day> <d4p1:IsRelativeDate>true</d4p1:IsRelativeDate> <d4p1:Month>1</d4p1:Month> <d4p1:Year>1</d4p1:Year> </EndDate> <FieldOfStudy>sample string 4</FieldOfStudy> <IsCurrent>true</IsCurrent> <IscedCode>sample string 5</IscedCode> <School>sample string 3</School> <StartDate xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:Day>1</d4p1:Day> <d4p1:IsRelativeDate>true</d4p1:IsRelativeDate> <d4p1:Month>1</d4p1:Month> <d4p1:Year>1</d4p1:Year> </StartDate> </EducationResponse> </Educations> <Email>sample string 10</Email> <Experiences> <ExperienceResponse> <CompanyName>sample string 2</CompanyName> <Description>sample string 6</Description> <EndDate xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:Day>1</d4p1:Day> <d4p1:IsRelativeDate>true</d4p1:IsRelativeDate> <d4p1:Month>1</d4p1:Month> <d4p1:Year>1</d4p1:Year> </EndDate> <Function>sample string 5</Function> <Industry>sample string 3</Industry> <IsCurrent>true</IsCurrent> <Position>sample string 4</Position> <StartDate xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:Day>1</d4p1:Day> <d4p1:IsRelativeDate>true</d4p1:IsRelativeDate> <d4p1:Month>1</d4p1:Month> <d4p1:Year>1</d4p1:Year> </StartDate> </ExperienceResponse> <ExperienceResponse> <CompanyName>sample string 2</CompanyName> <Description>sample string 6</Description> <EndDate xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:Day>1</d4p1:Day> <d4p1:IsRelativeDate>true</d4p1:IsRelativeDate> <d4p1:Month>1</d4p1:Month> <d4p1:Year>1</d4p1:Year> </EndDate> <Function>sample string 5</Function> <Industry>sample string 3</Industry> <IsCurrent>true</IsCurrent> <Position>sample string 4</Position> <StartDate xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:Day>1</d4p1:Day> <d4p1:IsRelativeDate>true</d4p1:IsRelativeDate> <d4p1:Month>1</d4p1:Month> <d4p1:Year>1</d4p1:Year> </StartDate> </ExperienceResponse> </Experiences> <FirstName>sample string 1</FirstName> <Gender>Unknown</Gender> <Interests xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:string>sample string 1</d2p1:string> <d2p1:string>sample string 2</d2p1:string> </Interests> <Languages> <LanguageResponse> <LanguageCode>sample string 1</LanguageCode> <LanguageName>sample string 2</LanguageName> <Level>sample string 3</Level> </LanguageResponse> <LanguageResponse> <LanguageCode>sample string 1</LanguageCode> <LanguageName>sample string 2</LanguageName> <Level>sample string 3</Level> </LanguageResponse> </Languages> <LastName>sample string 2</LastName> <Phone>sample string 11</Phone> <Photo>QEA=</Photo> <Publications> <PublicationResponse> <Abstract>sample string 2</Abstract> <Date xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:Day>1</d4p1:Day> <d4p1:IsRelativeDate>true</d4p1:IsRelativeDate> <d4p1:Month>1</d4p1:Month> <d4p1:Year>1</d4p1:Year> </Date> <PublicationType>sample string 3</PublicationType> <Title>sample string 1</Title> <Url>sample string 4</Url> </PublicationResponse> <PublicationResponse> <Abstract>sample string 2</Abstract> <Date xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:Day>1</d4p1:Day> <d4p1:IsRelativeDate>true</d4p1:IsRelativeDate> <d4p1:Month>1</d4p1:Month> <d4p1:Year>1</d4p1:Year> </Date> <PublicationType>sample string 3</PublicationType> <Title>sample string 1</Title> <Url>sample string 4</Url> </PublicationResponse> </Publications> <Skills> <SkillResponse> <Name>sample string 1</Name> </SkillResponse> <SkillResponse> <Name>sample string 1</Name> </SkillResponse> </Skills> <Street>sample string 5</Street> <Summary>sample string 12</Summary> <TitleAfterName>sample string 4</TitleAfterName> <TitleBeforeName>sample string 3</TitleBeforeName> <Urls xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:string>sample string 1</d2p1:string> <d2p1:string>sample string 2</d2p1:string> </Urls> <ZipCode>sample string 7</ZipCode> </CvParserResponse>