Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
ForceSsl |
Force SSL for all requests and redirect HTTP-only requests to the HTTPS endpoint. |
boolean |
None. |
EnableSelfServiceZone |
Enable the SSZ on the portal. |
boolean |
None. |
AllowApplicationWithoutJob |
Allow applications without a job. |
boolean |
None. |
DefaultCulture |
Set the default culture for the applicant portal. |
string |
None. |
EnableDoubleOptIn |
Enable double-opt-in registration workflow. |
boolean |
None. |
EnableTransactionalFlow |
Enable transactional registration flow |
boolean |
None. |
EnableGDPRInformationPolicy |
Enable GDPR information policy |
boolean |
None. |
LanguagePacks |
ISO-2 languages codes of the available language packs on the portal. |
Collection of string |
None. |
SendRegistrationEmail | boolean |
None. |
SendApplicationEmail | boolean |
None. |
AskForGender |
Specifies if or how the input field of an applicants's should be displayed in the Self-Service-Zone. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForGenderIdentity |
Specifies if or how the input field of an applicants's should be displayed in the Self-Service-Zone. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForTitles |
Specifies if or how the input fields of an applicants's or should be displayed in the Self-Service-Zone. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForEmail |
Specifies if or how the input field of an applicants's should be displayed in the Self-Service-Zone. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForPhoneNumber |
Specifies if or how the input field of an applicants's should be displayed in the Self-Service-Zone. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForBirthdate |
Specifies if or how the input field of an applicants's should be displayed in the Self-Service-Zone. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForAddress |
Specifies if or how the input fields of an applicants's , and should be displayed in the Self-Service-Zone. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForCountry |
Specifies if or how the input field of an applicants's should be displayed in the Self-Service-Zone. |
DisplayType |
None. |
DefaultCountry |
Specifies the default (preselected) value of the input field for of an applicant's property. |
string |
None. |
AskForCitizenship |
Specifies if or how the input field of an applicants's should be displayed in the Self-Service-Zone. |
DisplayType |
None. |
DefaultCitizenship |
Specifies the default (preselected) value of the input field for an applicant's property. |
string |
None. |
AskForCoverLetter |
Specifies if or how the input field of a coverletter should be displayed on the register page or the job application page. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForCv |
Specifies if or how the upload control of an applicants's CV () should be displayed in the Self-Service-Zone. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForPhoto |
Specifies if or how the upload control of an applicants's picture () should be displayed in the Self-Service-Zone. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForConsentPolicy |
Specifies if or how the consent policy should be displayed on the registration page. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForDocuments |
Specifies wether the upload control of an applicants's documents () should be displayed in the Self-Service-Zone or not. |
boolean |
None. |
AskForReferrer | boolean |
None. |
AskForLocation | boolean |
None. |
AskForRegion | boolean |
None. |
AskForNewsletter | boolean |
None. |
AskForMatchingJobsMail | boolean |
None. |
AskForQuitReason | boolean |
None. |
AskForReferences | boolean |
None. |
AskForOvertime | boolean |
None. |
AskForSelfDescription | boolean |
None. |
AskForJobDescription | boolean |
None. |
AskForEmploymentType | boolean |
None. |
AskForFreelancing | boolean |
None. |
AskForInternship | boolean |
None. |
AskForSalary | boolean |
None. |
AskForWillingnessToMove | boolean |
None. |
AskForAbroadTravelling | boolean |
None. |
AskForDomesticTravelling | boolean |
None. |
AskForActivities | boolean |
None. |
AskForJobRequirements | boolean |
None. |
AskForExperience | boolean |
None. |
AskForEducation | boolean |
None. |
AskForCertificates | boolean |
None. |
AskForEarliestPossibleBeginDate | boolean |
None. |
AskForLanguages | boolean |
None. |
AskForPublications | boolean |
None. |
AskForTags | boolean |
None. |
AskForCareerLevel | boolean |
None. |
AskForJobProfiles | boolean |
None. |
AskForGenderOnRegistration |
Specifies if or how the input field of an applicants's should be displayed on the registration page. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForGenderIdentityOnRegistration |
Specifies if or how the input field of an applicants's should be displayed on the registration page. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForTitlesOnRegistration |
Specifies if or how the input fields of an applicants's or should be displayed on the registration page. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForEmailOnRegistration |
Specifies if or how the input field of an applicants's should be displayed on the registration page. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForEmailConfirmation |
Specifies if a second input field for confirmation of an applicant's should be displayed on the registration page. |
boolean |
None. |
AskForPhoneNumberOnRegistration |
Specifies if or how the input field of an applicants's should be displayed on the registration page. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForBirthdateOnRegistration |
Specifies if or how the input field of an applicants's should be displayed on the registration page. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForAddressOnRegistration |
Specifies if or how the input fields of an applicants's , and should be displayed on the registration page. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForCountryOnRegistration |
Specifies if or how the input field of an applicants's should be displayed on the registration page. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForCitizenshipOnRegistration |
Specifies if or how the input field of an applicants's should be displayed on the registration page. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForCoverLetterOnRegistration |
Specifies if or how the input field of a coverletter should be displayed on the register page or the job application page. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForCvOnRegistration |
Specifies if or how the upload control of an applicants's CV () should be displayed on the registration page. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForPhotoOnRegistration |
Specifies if or how the upload control of an applicants's picture () should be displayed on the registration page. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AskForDocumentsOnRegistration |
Specifies wether the upload control of an applicants's documents () should be displayed on the registration page or not. |
boolean |
None. |
AskForVideoPitchOnRegistration |
Specifies if or how the video pitch should be displayed on the register page or the job application page. |
DisplayType |
None. |
AllowDuplicateEmail | boolean |
None. |
EnableExtendedDateSelection |
Specifies if the day should be selectable at a Flexdate picker. If True the day can be selected, else false. |
boolean |
None. |
DisplayLocationInJobListing | boolean |
None. |
DisplayDateInJobListing | boolean |
None. |
EnableRegionsFilterOnJobsList | boolean |
None. |
EnableJobProfilesFilterOnJobsList | boolean |
None. |
EnableFilterOnJobsList | boolean |
None. |
EnableCompanyPicturesOnJobsList | boolean |
None. |
EnablePaginationInJobsList | boolean |
None. |
PageSizeJobsList | integer |
None. |
EnableCvParsing |
Enables the parsing of a CV if true. |
boolean |
None. |
EnableDeleteForApplicant |
This setting depends on the setting. If this setting is true, an applicant is able to delete their profile. |
boolean |
None. |
EnableExtendedXml | boolean |
None. |
EnableJobTagsInXmlFeed | boolean |
None. |
EnableFourthJobBlockInXmlFeed | boolean |
None. |
EnableCustomerInformationInXmlFeed | boolean |
None. |
LinkedinConsumerKey | string |
None. |
LinkedinConsumerSecret | string |
None. |
IndeedApiToken | string |
None. |
IndeedApiSecret | string |
None. |
IndeedApplyAllowed | boolean |
None. |
IndeedApplyWidgetEnabled | boolean |
None. |
MyVeetaToken | string |
None. |
InstappToken | string |
None. |
KarriereApiKey | string |
None. |
KarriereApiSecret | string |
None. |
KarriereApiUuId | string |
None. |
KarriereOneClickWidget | boolean |
None. |
LoginWithXingConsumerKey | string |
None. |
LoginWithXingSignatureSalt | string |
None. |
LoginWithJobCloudKey | string |
None. |
EnableEuropeanCvDownload | boolean |
None. |
EnableJobMap |
Flag indicating if the job map is enabled on the job listing. |
boolean |
None. |
JobMapCollapsed |
Flag indicating if the job map is collapsed when loading the job listing. |
boolean |
None. |
EnableSitemap |
Enable the sitemap at the bottom of the screen. |
boolean |
None. |
EnableSEOFriendlyUrls | boolean |
None. |
EnableSitemapXML | boolean |
None. |